• You Are Destined for the Skies

You Are Destined for the Skies


You Are Destined for the Skies is a timeless piece of personal experience beautifully woven with anecdotes, inspiring thoughts and splendid testimonies of multi-faceted persons who have gone through numerous tribulations to finally emerge triumphant and become an inspiration to the entire World.

This book is a timeless piece of personal experience beautifully woven with anecdotes, inspiring thoughts and splendid testimonies of multi-faceted persons who have gone through numerous travails and tribulations to finally emerge triumphant and become an inspiration to the entire world. Yet another effort by Fr Elengikal to be a source of encouragement and motivation for the world, particularly the young. Ryan Pinto CEO, Ryan International Group of Institutions Fr. Alfonso Elengikal’s greatest skill lies in moulding the minds of young people to bring out the best in their personalities. It is fitting that he has come out With this excellent book: You Are Destined for the Skies. I would urge everyone to read this inspirational and motivational book which, I am sure, will enable the spark of divinity within each one of us to blaze brightly Dr Deepali Pant Joshi Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India The essence of You Are Destined for the Skies is that it thoughtfully reflects on all that make our world a wonderful place to live: positive thinking, faith in oneself, daring to dream, learning from failures and, above all, on the need to keep our minds open to learn from every idea and experience. Nikila Srinivasan, Product Manager, FACEBOOK (USA)

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